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Don't Vote Matthew Harper 2014 ....
teapartypatriots.org Huntington Beach city council, DUIs,facebook,school board member Matthew Harper votes, Huntington Beach schools, Obama, Loretta Sanchez, propositions 19,23,24,25,26 ... dontvotematthewharper.com Tea Party says 2014 don't Vote Huntington Beach City council Matthew Harper ... John 10:27-28 " My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me. And I give them eternal life ... " - Jesus Christ" For you oh' Lord will bless the righteous, with favor you will surround him as with a shield." - Psalm 5:12 See below: The Tea Party Way to vote on 2010 Calfornia Ballot Initiatives ( Propositions ) Main Navigation Home Page 2014 - Boardman, Farley, Shaw, Speaker for HB City Council 2014 ... Don't vote Harper to HB City Council ! 11/13/10 " For you Oh' Lord will bless the righteous, with favor you will surround him as with a sheild." - Psalm 5:12 Go Tea Party USA http://www.gotepartyusa.com/11/25/10 The Morning Star report - The latest:Normally I would never post anything from the liberal orange Juice blog but, Is this Reagan Republicanism ? i don't think so. The over - the - top Matthew Harper crowd at it again ...According to this, Harper supporter City Councilman Devin Dwyer opposes street sweeping ... http://www.orangejuiceblog.com/2009/10/republican-huntington-beach-city-councilman-devin-dwyer-wants-to-change-the-law-because-he-got-a-ticket/ In addition, in mid November 2010, City Council member Devin Dwyer calll for putting Huntington Beach DUI arrestees on Facebook to shame them.Any consideration for those in rehab Mr. Devin, those making a sincere effortto change ? No mention or thought of this by Mr. Devin Dwyer in the O.C. Register several weeks ago ...Also, about a month ago, was it Mr. Dwyer's idea to charge those causing damage in HB because of a car accident ? Hmmm ... what about city insurance covering such costs ? - Possible break throughs in fight gainst CA illegal immigration - HB Ciity Council races, and .... if Conservative Cooley count gives him CA atorney general victory against Kamala Harris , city councils across CA possible Sec. 287 power stop illegals, depending also on the makup of City Councils .... ( Sec. 287 says empowerment of sec. 287 relies on State Attorney General consultation - Jerry Brown was the last Attorney General - Cooley likely good news in the fight against illegal immigration ) click - http://www.dontvotematthewharper.blogspot.com/ click - http://www.dontvotematthewharper.com/ Go Tea Party USA Tea Party ! See link for - naughty loretta sanchez .com ... click - http://www.naughtylorettasanchez.com/Go Tea Party USA click - http://www.goteapartyusa.com/ What you'll see here: - Harper applauds Assemblyman saying illegal immigration immigration is state issue - 1) A Huntington Beach school board member, Matthew Harper applauded a Calif. State Assemblyman's comment to a constituent saying that illegal immigration is a Federal issue, not State. The Assemblyman said illegal immigration is a Federal issue, not a State issue after the constituent asked the Assmblyman, "What do you propose the State legislature do about the problem of illegal immigration ?" In applauding at the Assemblyman's answer, Harper indicated agreement with the Assemblyman's answer, which is the same position Obama and Democrat pro - illegal alien Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez hold on illegal alienism : That illegal immigration is a Federal issue, not a state issue. This took place at a public education forum in which the public were allowed to ask questions of state elected and appointed officials. - Harper deprives Huntington Beach schools of needed renovations, repairs, modernization - Voted NO twice when should have voted YES 2) According to one school board member ( confirmation of votes can be seen at the Huntington School distrct office) , School board member Matthew Harper voted twice ( A. 1997- 1998 and B. in 2001 ) against funding for necessary renovations/ modernization and repairs ... depriving Huntington Beach schools of those necessary renovations/ modernization and repairs. Go Tea Party USA click - http://www.goteapartyusa.com/ Update on Nov. 2 , 2010 election results Not passed - * Vote No Cell Towers at HB playgrounds : Vote No on Q* Vote the Tea Party way on the 2010 California ballot initiative Propositions :Not passed ! ... - Vote No on 19 - Say NO to legalization of Marijuana in California. Passed ... - Vote Yes on 20 - Redistricting of Congressional DistrictsPassed ! ... - Yes on 23 - Stop the job destroying Cap N' Trade type California bill AB 32.Not Passed ... - Prop 21Passed ... - Prop 22Not passed ... - Vote NO on 24 Not passed ! ... - Vote No on 25 - Say NO to the attempt to over - ride Proposition 13, say no to outrageous out of control, prosperity destroying, jobs destroying, paycheck looting tax increases ! Do not let the California legislature steal more $$$$$$from the middle class by more over -taxation of thier paychecks !Yes ! Passed ! - Yes on 26 - Requires 2/3 vote on fees and levies. The new method of the Democrat controlled Calif. State legslature tohiding a tax increase is to deceptively call them ' fees.' Not Passed ! ... - Vote NO on 272014 - Don't vote Harper to HB City Council ! Baordman, Farley, Shaw, Speaker for HB City Council 2014 ... He said NO, NO, NO to Huntington Beach school fixing and modernization money.He said NO, NO, NO to Huntington Beach to Kids and Community when HB Schools needed modernization, and school bathrooms needed fixing and more, which were absolute neccesities. So say NO to Matthew Harper on your absentee ballot( when voting by mail ) and Nov. 2, 2010 ! TEA PARTY COMMUNITY ! Conservatives, Democrats, Independents :Fed up with irresponsible Government ? - Don't vote Matthew Harper to Huntington Beach City Council - AS HUNTINGTON BEACH SCHOOL BOARD MEMBER 1998 -2010, MATTHEW HARPER VOTED NO TWICE - AGAINST FUNDS TO MODERNIZE HUNTINGTON BEACH SCHOOLSContent here based on a story from hands on, in the know Huntinton Beach residents : "Those bathrooms were abominable." - quote, Huntington Beach residentAs a Huntington Beach Matthew Harper vote twice against funds for modernizing Huntington Beach schools, first in 1997 - 1998, ( needed 66 % - 2/3 to pass and did not.) In the first measure to be put to vote in 1997-1998, as related to the author by a Huntington Beach School board member, Matthew Harper still voted NO when he was given most of his amendments he wanted put in.The measure did not pass. As related to the author, one prominent Republican walked out of the meeting angry at Harper's NO vote. The second time around in 2001, the vote passed regardlessthat Harper voted against HB school modernization money this SECOND time, because only 55 % was needed thistime around.Huntington Beach High School is a beautiful dream school now, and Ocean View High school has a new swimming pool - NO THANKS to Matthew Harper ! Now !Time to say No to RINO's ... to elected Republicans whohave let Republicans down by compromising sound traditional American principles ... As a Huntington Beach School board member, Matthew Harper expressed the same position on illegal immigration as Democrat Obama andDemocrat Loretta Sanchez ... All three have shown the same viewpoint :That the illegal alien issue is a Federal issue, not a state issue ...How is this known that Mr. Harper heldthis position ? Matthew Harper applauded a stateassemblyman expressing this same view, that immigration is a federal issue not a state issue, when the assemblyman was put to test at a public education forum ... It was clear Mr. Harper agreed with the assemblyman by applauding the statement by the assemblyman that immigration is a federalissue, not a state issue. Many California state elected and locally elected persons such (RINOsand Democrats ) have shown their positionto be as follows:That the illegal alien problem is a problemof Federal authority, and that the stateshave no say or authority in the matter tocarrying out solutions to solve it. As a matter of political opinion written here bythe author as follows: This position appears tobe an excuse to pass the buck, shirk responsibility,gain political favor and advantage, escape being falsely called a racist; thus making thingsmore difficult for those courageous, honest andresponsible elected officials and citizens attemptingto make the effort to solve this wide spread problem.Such individuals may be forgetting that Ronald Reagan, the nation's most popular President in modern history (Poll: OrangeCounty Register, 1999), believed in standingup to the Federal government oversteppingthe rights of states self determination, rights provided in the 10 th amendment of the U.S.Constitutional, the belief properly held by manyof our nation's forefathers. To us, this simply means informing the citizen voter on the local, state, and national level tovote for candidates who believe and practicethe same, so those then elected would practicethose states rights on a legislative level in a civiland practical manner.Local school board and city council members havethe right and responsibility to raise such concernsabout the effects of illegal alienism on their cities.Numerous cities have recently voted in to havethe INS monitor thier jails, checking the legalstatus of inmates and then deporting those illegally here. Such cities include the city of Anaheim and Costa Mesa.One Huntington Beach school board candidatehas said that school board members CAN write letters and voice concern on the issueregularly if one chooses ... As a Huntington Beach board member, has Matthew Harpervoiced such concerns of the overcrowding and exorbitant and unbearable financial burden to citizens of overcrowding illegals in the school system on the state and local level ? Anaheim school board memberHarold Martin was one who did just that in1999, receiving much media attention for raising his concerns on this issue during actual school board meetings. In addition: The 1996 immigration law signedby Bill Clinton allows city councils across America to permit their police departments to check thelegal status of individuals stopped for trafficviolations. This is allowed if any city council votes in the majority to activate the allowance.Contrary Obama's and Loretta Sanchez's position, illegal immigration IS a local and State issue, notFederal only. Sec. 287 ( 8 U.S.C. 1357 ) of the ' Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant responsiblity Act of 1996 ' makes it a local and State issue. ( You will find it follows after sec. 133 ) ( See the complete Act by searching Google. ) California education system, once the envyof the world ... now ruined by irresponsible'Educators' and Legislators ! Policy wonks have been ruining California education for years ! Dear friends and Community, Don't vote Matthew Harper for Huntington Beach City Council in Nov. 2, 2010 ! This site is a Conservative Tea Party site. Biggovernment is out of control ! Local races domatter in the big picture. Local candidates runfor higher office soon after local tenure - that is how the game is played at YOUR expense. Most often they have the same position on issues they carried during thier time in local office, compromising from the start to get approval and get ahead, using local office tenure as a resume enhancer for future campaigns for higher office (all the way to the top) only to arrive where we are today in California : In educational, budgetary, andfinancial crisis !End this madness at the local level. Vote only for those at the local level who deserve it. Remember the phrase, ' All Politics is Local.' For our future, it is incumbent of voters to askquestions of local candidates so good candidateswith sound positions are rewarded with our vote,and candidates with bad positions are vetted out. Too often this is not the case. Folks are encouraged to ask candidates questions.Know what your City council, Central Committee, and School board candidates stand for on issues such as illegal immigration, spending, and the bigview of things ! See, sut and paste to addressbar - teapartypatriots.orgMore on Democrat Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez ...Loretta Sanchez family values: Holds fundraiser at Playboymansion ... Naughty Loretta Sanchez . com Click - http://www.naughtylorettasanchez.com/Democrat Congress, Democrat Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez and Obama to tax families $500.00 perchild, every year ... ( Source: Mark Levine talk Rado show Tues. 10/5/10 )Loretta Sanchez, Democrat Congress, Obama caused thefinancial crisis, destroying millions of jobs and it continues to this day ...Enter In Search at bloomberg.com ' How The Democrats Created The Financial Crisis ' :Kevin Hassettcommentaryby Kevin Hasset- Sept. 22, 2008 00:04 EDT
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